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Listen: The debut album of the SHEINE ITE revives the Ladino language

Jenny Liebkind writes about the debut album “El Dio” by her band, SHEINE ITE.  The album is now available on all major music platforms, such as iTunes and Spotify.

Text: Jenny Liebkind

I founded the SHEINE ITE band in 2009 to make Jewish music known and, especially, to revive the Ladino language through music. Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) is a musical genre and language of the Spanish Jews. The making of the debut album took 10 years, including one recorded album that I never wanted to release. Now, with the new recordings, the album is finally out.

The album includes my own compositions and arrangements. The inspiration for the compositions comes from old Ladino poems and even the books of Moses. The band also draws musical influences from Finnish folk music and flamenco. The album features songs in Ladino, Hebrew, Spanish, and Finnish. The process of creating the album has been a profound and spiritual journey. For this reason, the album is named after the last song – El Dio.

This is a unique time to release Jewish music, but I dedicate the album to the entire Jewish community and especially to the victims of Hamas. Jenny Liebkind’s SHEINE ITE band debut album “El Dio” has been released!

The title song of the album, El Dio, describes how faith and justice are the backbone of the Jewish people. Am Israel Chai.

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“Todo el que la miró con mala ariada,

y a la fondina de la mar

yo lo echava

Y el Dio la melezinava”

“Every person who looked at her

in a bad demeanor:

I would throw him

into the depths of the sea.

And God cured her”

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